How Do I Address My Beliefs?

I probably have a typo in there somewhere but…

So I believe in ghosts and spirits and demons and I believe I see them. But that sounds crazy to say. I usually just say I see spirits and assume that people know that that is my belief. I ask people if they believe in it first though, but when talking about it in general, I don’t really know what to say.
What would be the right way to address it?


Just say whatever comes to mind and make it sound as casual as possible


I usually get weird stares when I do that and people think I’m joking. Cuz I take the casual thing too far sometimes.


Ohhh okay in that case just ask them what they think of all that stuff. If they respond with something like “I believe it but I’ve never experienced it” then tell them your experiences. If they respond with something like “pffft that stuff isn’t real” then don’t because all they’ll do is either be rude about it or not take you seriously. It sucks if people are rude about something you care about.


Yeah it is lol. I’ve never had anyone be super rude about it (Actually someone said that I should get checked out by a doctor or something but that was online) but I have gotten THE STARES. Lol.


Yeah I know how that feels or I get told to shut up or whatever it’s why I don’t tend to talk about these things in real life


My best friend believes in ghosts, too! She came to me and talked about it when she thought she had a bad dream about her boyfriend being scratched by a ghost, and she texted her boyfriend about the dream and he took a picture of scratches on his arm. He claims he has no idea where they came from. She trusts me a lot (and knows I’m pretty imaginative) so I would tell someone who you trust won’t judge or laugh at you. It also helps if that person has an open mind or is very imaginative/creative. Honestly, the story she told me freaked me out for a few days.


I agree. I believe in a lot of stuff others don’t believe in (like vampires) and I am actually serious about it but I think they always think I am joking even when I tell them otherwise.

So I’ve stopped telling people who won’t even give me the respect enough to at least consider it once.