How do I memorize a two minute monologue?

I need to memorize it for theatre. I can post a recording of me reading it if you want. I just need help because I suck at memorization.

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  • Read it a few times
  • read it aloud too
  • listening to it can also help so maybe record it if there isn’t already one

Yeah so listen to it

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Write it out a few times and read it a few times :eyes::eyes:
Listen to it while you’re asleep :eyes::eyes::green_heart::smiley_cat:

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Maybe try it in chunks/lines? And try to find something easy to remember that associates with that chunk/line


That’s a good idea…I’m not sure what I could associate it with, though.

What I do when I need to memorize something is to read it once, then say what I can remember without the paper, then when I’m stuck go back to the paper, say that line, then go back to trying to say it without the paper.

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Thank you.

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Try putting it into a song. It will take a little work but be worthwhile. There have been multiple studies between music and memory

Ohhhh, I’ve heard of that!

I don’t really think I can make in into a good song, though.

Repetition. Say it over and over again and eventually, you find that you have to look at your sheet less and less.


I always wanted to be in the movies. When I was little, I thought for sure, one day, I could be a big, big star. Or maybe just beautiful. Beautiful and rich. Like the women on TV.

I had a lot of dreams. And I guess you could call me a real romantic because I truly believed that one day, they’d come true. So I dreamed about it for hours. As the years went by, I learned to stop sharing this with people. They said I was dreaming, but back then, I believed it wholeheartedly. So whenever I was down, I would just escape into my mind, to my other life, where I was someone else. It made me happy to think that all these people just didn’t know yet who I was going to be. But one day, they’d all see.

I heard that Marilyn Monroe was discovered in a soda shop and I thought for sure it could be like that. So I started going out real young and I was always secretly looking for who was going to discover me. Was it this guy? Or maybe this one. I never knew. But even if they couldn’t take me all the way, like Marilyn, they would somehow believe in me just enough. They would see me for what I could be and think I was beautiful. Like a diamond in the rough. They would take me away to my new life and my new world, where everything would be different.

Yeah. I lived that way for a long long time. In my head, dreaming like that. It was nice. And one day, it just stopped.

That’s the monologue.

Write it down

Say it 10 times


Moved to school~

Thank you!