How do you dry you hair?

Personally I half dry it with my hair dryer, I also use the towel beforehand just to make sure it isn’t dripping wet. I only half dry it because I kinda like to let it dry fully on it’s own but it I was in a rush to go out somewhere then I’d fully dry it.


I tend to wring it out, dab it with a towel, and let it air dry


Same :eyes::green_heart:


If it’s cold I use a hair dryer, otherwise I let it dry on its own since it looks weird when I use a dryer

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a i r

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I used to use 2 hairdryers at once :rofl: now i just let it air dry

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First I wrap it in a towel or a head wrap, and then I let it air dry.

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It just dries on its own :sunglasses:


majic :star_struck:


I rub my hair with a towel and then let it air dry

I just use a towel then use the wonderful gift called air to dry it


First, I step out from my flowing waterfall, the steam hovering over my naughty bits (gotta keep it PG after all).
Then, two large falcons swoop down and drape a towel around my head, perfectly covering every square inch of hair, not leaving a single one untouched.
Finally, I’m carried on the back of a dragon through the clouds (watch the neverending story), and as the moonlight embraces me the wind caresses my flowing mane and tames it until dry.

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For me I actually air dry my hair after my shower.

I always let it dry naturally! I don’t like using hair dryers

I have something called a Turbie Twist.

Added #hair tag :eyes::sparkles::green_heart:

Uhh I dry my hair with a towel. :kissing_smiling_eyes:

I first use a cloth to absorb some water. Then I leave it damp. And lastly, I let air do all the magic.

I dry it mostly in a towel and then let it dry naturally during the day.

What about you @BeautyEssentials & @Discussions?


I air dry my hair usually on top of towel drying. I get all of the loose droplets with the towel. Other than that, I rarely do much to my hair.

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