How do you find your inspiration to write?

I know a lot of you all love writing amazing stories to publish them everywhere so that readers can read your work.
Some people get inspiration by either dreaming or they’re just relaxing and suddenly an idea pops in their head. We all have different ways of how ideas come to us.

So, how do you find your inspiration to write?


Something I saw on the streets, when I discover something new from somewhere, fresh air and just the earth’s beauty.

I’m also normally relaxing and boom an idea pops up, even though I originally had another idea and it really messes up with my head and so i just write the other idea I came up with somewhere and then boom I get another idea mixed with the three ideas.

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Awhh this is really nice. :white_heart::blush:

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It’s always different. Sometimes it’s a dream, a song, another story, a random person, a friend, some weird thoughts in my head. Everything has the chance to inspire me :smile_cat:

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I think, for me, I get my inspiration by reading books and getting ideas from that


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