personally, I just like tagging @discobot and harassing him with questions, but how do you like to harass him
ppl who have been wronged
@idiot.exe @Duckling @himynameisaria @SpookySherry @Soleil @passionfruit
personally, I just like tagging @discobot and harassing him with questions, but how do you like to harass him
@idiot.exe @Duckling @himynameisaria @SpookySherry @Soleil @passionfruit
Hi! To find out what I can do, say @discobot display help
@discobot thanks
that’s how I harass them
yes thank I’ll forever harass you
thank sm
I need to fill my water thank
my water thank has plenty water
yes good idea
Hi yes stop rolling 2
when saying @discobot I like to THANKU them for all they’ve done for me. And I also love bothering them in our spicy hot pms yeah, that’s right; they’re spicy, hot, and more than 1
like they’re just so fun and amazing omg-
I either do @discobot thanks to exploit their likes, or insult them every chance I get
@discobot I got a writer block, what to do?
@dIsCoBoT wHy ArEn’T yOu JoInG hArEm?!
No, thank you, I rather be harassed to like @heavenbound’s posts