How do you remember to submit your characters in time?

Some RPers submit their characters the same day they reserved, but for many of us, it can be days or weeks before we can submit them. With the time it takes to write a character, along with replies and potentially more characters, or irl commitments, it can be a struggle to get a character completed in time, even when inspired.

So as the title says, how do you remember to submit in time?
How long does it normally take you to submit a character?



I put the sign up thread on watching.
But also, I usually don’t have a lot of characters to work on. I add in new info every few days, so I work on them for weeks basically. That way, I always have them in mind.

I wait for the creator to add a deadline then I submit last minute-
I know it’s major procrastination, but it helps me have the character in mind for when the roleplay starts.

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Tabs. Many many tabs



I don’t :sweat_smile:

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Well I always rely on the owner to remind people who reserved to tag them a few days before the RP starts and then if I have time I make them and if no I drop them… If I reserve for something I’m really excited about I might get the character in that day, but if I don’t manage that I usually check my notifications because that’s usually where I’ll most likely find it.

How long does it take to submit a character? Depends on the motivation … If I find a FC that gives me a clear idea of what kind of person that character is it takes me a day or less … but if I don’t it takes me up to two days, I don’t think I’ve ever needed more time than that.

Yeah, you know you’re working on a project when you’ve got at least 4 tabs open for at least a day

The moment I read about a rp and I decide to make an character for it, I start right away. I have an image already and the sooner I have a character submitted, the better then I don’t have to think about it until I get reminded when the rp starts.
If you tell yourself to make one the moment you reserve a character, you are already in that mindset of the rp and you don’t need to be reminded afterwards…though maybe for me the characters come quickly so it’s not that hard and others need more time to think about them.

Hehehe. 4 tabs. Hehehehe. That’s a cute number


I don’t :grinning:

I have at least 20 open. at minimum.

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HEHEHE! This is me too. (wink)

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I said “At least” didn’t I?

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… I honestly don’t :sob:

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No :upside_down_face:

honestly, people who submit their characters on the same day that they reserve amaze me… like pls, tell me your secrets.

If I’m fast or if I use the template of a previous character, it usually takes me about a week or so to submit my character. If I’m allowed the time, unfortunately, I can spend months fleshing them out. I think the characters that took me the longest to develop was either my character for Stairway to Heaven who I still never ended up submitting, sorry ancestor Cam, pls don’t stab me or my character for Road Trip who is still missing a biography, ahahahah, sorry Silly. The quality of my character is more important to me than how fast I write it, and as an older RPer, I used to feel pressured to live up to people’s expectations of me so I would take longer (very stressful days). Fortunately, I’m not as concerned about other’s opinions anymore, so yaaay. :DDD

The creator usually tags everyone a few days in advance, which is my cue to stop overthinking and start keyboard smashing. Another way is that I sign up with some of my friends, we plan our characters together, motivate one another, and remind each other to submit. The only problem with this is when everyone s u c k s at submitting on time (I won’t say who hi Fate and Cat) so we’re all staring at each other with half-completed characters like: :clown_face: :clown_face: :clown_face:


Who is this Fate you speak of? I am Fang. Yes.


okay Fate the shapeshifter.

your cover has been blown



I just don’t lmao


I usually write in in my organization app or bookmark it for later so I don’t forget :partying_face:

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