recently i feel like i’ve fallen out with a lot of friends and i’m not sure how to start talking to them again honestly. i really miss them and it makes me sad to think how little we’ve been talking and how much we’ve drifted apart. Does anyone have any ideas on how to help me start talking to them/fixing a friendship.
I know exactly how you feel a lot of my friends have drifted apart from me. I hoped in time they would come back but it never really happened. My advice is just walk up to them and start a convo.
it’s actually an online friendship. i feel like i’ve just become my this horrible person and anyways but yeah
Oh ok, no you haven’t become a horrible person or bad friend. You don’t have to tell me who it is, but trust me they probs wanna y’all to you. You can start a pm or a chat or a dm, they’ll talk to you sooner or later. Tom Holland is mine~
in my opinion, start off with a brief topic, than work your way towards there. I think you don’t need to do a lot to fix a friendship, knowing you with that charming personality of yours, you can just compliment them, and ya’ll would be starting off great!!
Just be honest about how u feel and talk with them about it?
But I wish i had more helpful advice
Unfortunately that can happen. You can start as many conversations as you like but if they don’t put in the same effort or if it isn’t the same as it used to be you’re gonna drift apart.
That happens, friends drift apart. Youll make new friends eventually.
Hopefully this isn’t a case like that, but if it is you’ll survive. I believe in you
I’d say talk to them, try starting a conversation again. If you’ve done something wrong or something happened, apologise.
Sometimes, friendships cone to an end, and that’s ok. We can always make new friends, if it’s not possible to fix. I wish you all the best
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