How do you win an arguement?

Any tips ? :pleading_face::green_heart::eyes::sparkles:


Be technical and try to find any flaws in what the opposite side is saying. Also find good evidence to support your argument.


Expose their past actions and try to prove a pattern!

Point out the facts, make sure you have credible reasons to argue. Otherwise, you’ll end up the one getting roasted. Do not let them side track you. Stick to the facts. The side tracking is what makes arguments worse. You have two ways to really handle the fight which is be brutal or smart about the argument. Brutal should be last resort if though.

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Pay careful attention and listen to the other person‘s arguments. Try to see where they’re coming from. By doing this you will be able to put forth your own arguments in a way that will make them listen and respect you. Base your arguments in facts.

Many arguments doesn’t end in anyone “winning” and you may get back to the same argument another day, that’s fine. (Depending on the situation.)


What if I don’t know any facts?

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See this depends on what you are arguing about. If it’s opinion based for example you not liking a certain kind of food then there isn’t really an argument to be had, you can’t control your taste and no facts will change that :joy: however if you were telling me that you don’t like it for ethical reasons then (mostly I’d just leave you to it, I don’t care what other people eat :joy:) I’d expect you to be able to back up that reasoning if questioned.


Square your shoulders, start making loud noises, make yourself look bigger.

These tactics will work in every situation


Just interrupt the person a lot, give of a vibe of confidence you don’t have, make noises here and there that’ll make the person question their ability and hold a very steady and calm gaze

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What if you’re arguing about who is smaller and quieter? :eyes::eyes:


intimidate them into accepting your small-ness and quiet-ness?


goes into a ball



Look at them with puppy eyes until they give in


Target the issue, know what you are arguing against first. If you don’t know the topic well enough, you can’t argue the correct facts.

Find the facts to support your argument. What supports what you are saying and what supports theirs? The latter is extremely important.

Apply the facts to the issue at hand. Explain the situation and how the facts support what you are trying to say.

Conclude your argument by summarising your point that you found through your facts.

A lot of times, arguments like this don’t actually win, since they can easily come off really badly, and I’ve found trying to prepare a lot of facts ends up creating a situation in which both parties are more stuck in their beliefs and neither is prepared to concede anything


I’m just following IRAC, it’s a common teaching at my uni. Issue, Rule, Application, Conclusion.

After you’ve said the initial argument, you wait for your opponent to lay down their facts of the situation and the circumstances that follow, and then you follow by taking their facts and adding in your facts that you’ve researched. It’s why it’s important not to disregard the facts of whoever it is that you’re arguing with and instead use their own facts to support your own.

It’s a way of arguing that doesn’t allow either party to come out on top, but rather reach a mutual agreement that satisfies both.


Cleared, structured points with concrete evidence, and let’s not forget the importance of charisma :rose:


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