How do you write about characters questioning sexuality?

Questioning sexuality is often a difficult experience for people and can be hard to write about at times. If you’re someone who has written characters that have gone through this, how did you do it? Share some of the things you considered and any advice you might have for people who might want to write about the same thing.

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@Writers Do any of you have any tips or good examples? :thinking: Because it would really be important to know how to do this well

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So, I tried writing a character questioning their sexuality and got some help from a friend. What she told me is that, for her, it wasn’t something that takes place all the time. Some days she thought more about it and other days it didn’t matter to her at all. What made her question her sexuality more were comments from family or friends, so I tried to add that in my story. Also, talking to other people about their sexuality confused her about her own sexuality but I think that’s a individual thing that’s different for everyone.

@Writers Maybe this helps anyone. Or maybe someone can add more to this?

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I usually base it off myself, since I sometimes question my own sexuality.

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DM if you want, im happy to answer any questions u have, here or in private.

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