How does your country celebrate Independence day?

How does your country celebrate Independence day?

If you didn’t know I’m from Australia and Australia is a commonwealth county, but still rule under the British empire, so we are nkt fully independant, we can’t celebrate independence day but I’m curious to know how your country celebrates it.

  • are there any traditions
  • what’s your favourite part if the day?



Big cook outs along with fireworks. Use to be fun when I was younger. I don’t enjoy them as much since I usually work during that holiday.

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We don’t have an independence day in the UK. Maybe we will once we get brexit finished

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Yeah we dont have an Independence Day as stated in the UK. Though we do have upcoming events that for the misinformed could be called an independence.

The Commonwealth is a voluntary association of 54 independent and equal countries

Officially Australia became a completely independent
nation in 1942 with minimal links being retained. The final constitutional links were severed by The Australia Act 1986.

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Yes we, are an independant nation But we still rule under the british empire, Australia is not in direct rule of the Monarchy, but it remains a Constitutional Monarchy. Her Majesty remains as the Queen of the UK and other Commonwealth Realms ( Australia included). But for the most part, Australia is pretty independent but Australia is not in direct rule of the Monarchy, but it remains a Constitutional Monarchy. Her Majesty remains as the Queen of the UK and other Commonwealth Realms ( Australia included). But for the most part, Australia is pretty independent but still not fully independant

And I apologize for saying that because we are apart of the commonwealth means that we are independant and thank you for correcting me :grin:

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We don’t do anything, we just have a free day from school and work

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Theres the evening before and there’s always many parties and shows and firework
It’s very fun
And the day itself people just barbecue A LOT it’s a thing

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We just do fireworks and dumb stuff that kills tons of people every year

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Here in the Philippines, we typically celebrate Independence day by displaying flags of our country outside establishments. Other than that, people publicly celebrate by joining and watching parades. In Manila, there’s an annual police and military parade during Independence day, lead by the country’s President.

Aside from that, Filipinos also have an odd way of celebrating Independence day through the use of social media. There’s this hashtag on Twitter (#RP612fic - Republic of the Philippines [June 12] fiction) which Filipinos use during our Independence day to write an alternative storytelling of the Philippine history. The hashtag is used by people to create humorous pop culture and Filipino history references. There are also people who use it to make memes that uses Philippine history references.

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So, this is how we celebrate our Independence in The Bahamas.

  1. Junkanoo Festival - everyone dressing up in costumens, and having their musical instruments out, we have it at Rawnson Square.
  2. Celebration at Fort Charlotte.
  3. Families & Friends having cook out n stuff.

I’m still trying to remember.

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Idk. I don’t celebrate it tbh

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