How does your personality show in your art?

Even if you haven’t found your art style yet, you probably add your own twist to your art even if it’s through subtle details.

Personally, I love adding highlights and eye-catching shadows. I think this might be because I’m generally an expressive person :thinking:

How does your personality show in your art? Is there something you always add to your pieces?


The weird lineart shows my laziness to fix it


Oh wow that’s a cool question. Ummm sort of. I guess sometimes peeks of how I feel can come through. It just depends, I don’t think you can see my personality but definitely my moods.


It doesn’t.

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I’m not too sure 'cause I really haven’t studied my art style. Do you have any idea if yours does, @Caticorn?

I’m not really a visual artist, I’m more of a performance artist, but when I’m given a choice in what I perform, I tend to choose songs or monologues that reflect my personality

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Fair enough. That sounds cool. What has been your favourite performance?

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I think my favourite song I’ve done so far was a song called ‘Blue Hair’ that I did with my vocal coach. It was something new for me since I’d never really properly worked on contemporary musical theatre but I really liked it

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Oh, cool. Is it from a musical?

Yeah! It’s from a show called The Black Suits

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Oh. I’ve never actually heard of that. Sorry.

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Don’t worry, neither had I until my vocal coach showed me this song. The musical is from 2013 and I don’t believe it was performed outside of Los Angeles, so it makes sense

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Ah, yeah, that’d explain it. Thanks for explaining (wink)

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