How has the pandemic affected you mentally?

I think we overlook mental health a lot and I feel personally that people with mental health conditions have been left behind.

So this is a safe space to share your struggles without judgement. Please try to stay clear of politics on that matter.

Here’s my experience.
I’m struggling. Lost my job because of the pandemic and the whole situation had me turn to alcohol to get through it.

Your turn x

~moved to #general-chat:health-and-beauty and added tags~

it’s affected me negatively mentally because being at home has been detrimental to my mental health :eyes:


it made my mental health worse. i’m tired of going out in public and being scared that someone will beat me up or harass me.


WOWOWWOWOW you are offishal :weary:

At the start, I wasn’t doing so great and I lost touch with plenty of my irl friends. Though I found this community because of the virus so I am thankful for that :pensive:


Aww, I’m glad you have this community :pleading_face:




I need to figure out how to do this, lol. Ouija’s dumb.


Me too l. I keep publishing without tags :joy:

Anyway. Back on topic.

I’m just frightened that my mental health will lead to an addiction you know? Anyone else?

It hasn’t affected me personally because with the lockdown I was happy to be home away for work and do stuff I love
Luckily our country very much have the pandemic under control so now people can work as normal with their facemask of course.
Our borders are still closed though but our country has fully opened back

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The pandemic did affect me a lot. Being surrounded by 3 people of which 2 are constantly judging and nit-picking you on your flaws nearly every hour of the day is exhausting… and saddening. It makes me feel that I am just a burden… and a problematic person. And that they don’tcare about me much anymore :sneezing_face:

Life has become so monotonous. As a person who prefers some change and mostly stays outdoors to escape from the house, it did take a toll on me.

Plus, there is also the feeling of hopelessness and massive anxiety that when will things go back to normal (or maybe, the new normal). Instead of gaining weight (as I had previously assumed with the staying at home all the time), I lost weight instead. And that too considerably.

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I can’t relate to you guys at all…
My mental health’s actually a bit better. I mean, I stay at home, eat, come on the forums, study for a while, and get some good sleep. Though I’ve gained some weight and have a reduced appetite because of less activity, everything’s cool :ok_hand:

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It has been
I guess
But this year was the year where i made actual real online friends whihc i honestly look upto sm and love-
Those guys are the only good thing which happened for me in the pandemic sm

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me love karan dev kapoor
me also found zuko and shared account with him
found his mommy daddy and sissy and all his waiffs
discovered au and unforgettable chaarcetrs like hot cop janita hacker bad boi huh lieutenant colonel commander and others





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And all the people in my family are pretty rude to me.

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Although I truly miss going out regularly with my friends, it’s changed me for the better in many ways. I’ve grown to be a different person. I’m more self aware and my mindset has changed a lot. Although I’m not quite happy right now, I’ve grown in a good way

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I know that my mental health has been on a decline since the pandemic started. I’ve been spending less time with my friends because they don’t live near me and school was really our only point of contact, which is what I think has had the worst effect on me.

It affected me a lot, to be honest, but not because I’d go out so often. It was mainly the fact that I became very lonely. My family moved far away, I couldn’t go to work and see my coworkers nor my students, and the situation just never seemed to end. I dealt with a lot of depression and anxiety last year and at the beginning of this year, and there was a time when I didn’t even feel like writing nor listening to music.
Things have improved a lot lately, but I really don’t ever want to go back down that road again.

It thankfully hasn’t affected me at all, the only thing that changed is that I lost all the motivation I’ve ever had. Not a good thing but okay… I’m someone who really doesn’t leave the house if I don’t have to and doesn’t hang out with people so not much has changed for me. It was kinda relaxing