How have bands changed over the decades?

The thing that stands out the most to me is the clothing style of pop and soul bands/groups from the 60s and 70s. If you look at clips of their live performances, most of these bands (or singing groups) are wearing matching formal outfits.
However, in later years, bands and groups began to dress much less formally, maintaining their own personal style and individuality instead of all wearing the same stage outfit.

What other changes can you see in bands from the past compared to bands in more recent years?

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I think in more recent bands, they’re opening up lyrics that deal with current issues being reciprocated in the media and breaking social norms, or normalizing certain aspects of life through their music, if that makes any sense.

@Music input??

They clpthing style change from time to time, as some bands follow beauty trends. As beauty trends change, they have to keep up to date.

Either way, different generations has different tastes in music. Thus, there will be different bands who exist to fulfil the taste of their respectively generations. So, the writing style changes, the tune changes, everything changes.


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