How is your school handling the pandemic?

My semester started a month ago and so far everything is ok. They are taking the situation very seriously! I’ve had both online and in-person classes in October and I was very happy because of that. With what I do online classes aren’t the best option, I need to be at the Academy with my professors and work. Not everything can be done online, but with classes like History of art it’s great, I can just watch those videos whenever I want and whenever I have time!
They were very strict with the rules - when you enter the building a porter would tell you to use a hand sanitizer, wear a mask (if you don’t have it you can’t enter), and they don’t let in more than 14 students.
But now I only have online classes, because the situation is suddenly very bad, and that’s just sad :(
It’s really hard to do everything this way but at least they want us to be safe.

  • How is your school handling the pandemic?
  • Would you change anything? What?

Badly and I’d change everything :star_struck::green_heart::eyes::sparkles:


It’s all been online so far :eyes:


Online, but they’re considering opening it up for second semester EVEN THOUGH CASES ARE RISING

Ehhhh, I mean online school is alrighttt since it’s less time-consuming and my schedule is much more flexible.

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Schools in my country are still online, ever since March. No schools have reopened as of yet.

I think it would be great if there was a to work with a few students at a time, where maybe they could come into school in small groups— I work in a private school it’s possible that maybe 7 kids could come in at a time. That way, we’d get to meet our students and work with them without having too many people in a room at once.
They did do something similar to this before school started, but unfortunately only homeroom, Math, and Spanish teachers got to meet the kids and give a small class.

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our district is going online again

@KiaraTheSnek lmao we’re going to online classes again :sunglasses:


america explain

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yay ;-;

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Pretty well. I have in person classes pretty much everyday. There are clear and easy guidelines as well as regular updates from the school.

I low key want more online classes. Even though it’s nice to have in person classes . The time on when when those classes start seem to change a lot due to Corona.

Which is really annoying since I have to travel 2 hours to get to school so if a class happens to start 1-2 hours earlier than planned. I won’t be able to make it.

Online classes are just more convient

We only have once in person class and we’ve been split into cohorts, so only half the class is physically in class. All our other classes are online and then they switch every two weeks. We also have to wear masks and sanitize our hands when we enter and exit the school.

I think they’re handling it pretty well so far tbh. We switched to online school so it’s a good thing to social distance and at least they’re aware of the dangers of being close

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@Students What about your schools? How are they handling the pandemic or how did they handle it?

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