How long does it take to write an RP post?

Here we can discuss how much time we spend RPing all together, whether it be planning, chatting about the RPs, making characters, or replying, but what about specifically writing an RP post? The most essential part of RPing, is writing our posts in an RP.

Of course, it depends on the length of the post, and what happens to be going on at the time, but how long does an RP take to write?
How long should it take ideally?
How do different factors impact the time it takes to write an RP post?



The difference on here can be between my phone and my computer, or if I have questions/is unmotivated. On my phone, it takes up like most of the screen with the keyboard to type and then I can’t see the post I’m replying to. Also, if I’m distracted, it can take longer. I’m also a bit slower in my phone then on my computer. It just depends on the situation but it won’t take long usually


400 years, is that too long?

Nah, it mainly depends on how many distractions I get, and I can be very easily distracted.


way longer than it should :smiley:
no depends on who it’s for and how long the reply was!


I take so long you’d think I was typing up a thesis or something for uni T^T

I take even longer with my sign ups gosh I need to speed up


20-30 minutes…
An hour if I’m listening to music…

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Forever, I swear… I always want to write more and more and make it perfect. When I don’t like it I just leave it hoping it would magically fix itself
Even for a short reply (10 sentences max) I take hours

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Depends but usually around like 15 minutes depends how long it is

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I’ve been writing this one for the whole week :woman_standing:t5:

usually it takes me ridiculously long anyways


Months… months



which one?

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It’s still the Michelle one haven’t even gotten to Las levendas yet ;-;

It’s supposed to be shorter but it’s really… not oops


Oooooh, I seee, it’s okay, tho, no worries!

Isn’t it good that it’s longer?
For the contest?

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Ya but
We’re supposed to be starting over, cause there was a time skip bahaha

lifetime :partying_face:

yes but seriously I really want my quality to be in my post, and that’s really why I may take a long time replying (but hey at least it’s reduced to one each day than three days ahaha). I like to spend time thinking if the dialogues and action would be fitting for my character and I think that’s important :eyes:

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It depends on my motivation tbh

When I’m really into it, it can take less than 30 mins

If I’m not really into it or I forget, maybe a few days or weeks

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A couple of hours, depends on what I want to go over in my post. :ok_hand::+1:

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Honestly it can be anywhere between 20 minutes and an hour :person_shrugging:
So many variables to consider :joy: I think the quickest I’ve cranked out a post was 10-15 minutes, in the moment I thought they were so good and me and the person were doing quick replies between the characters, but looking back :eyes::sob: Some of the writing is a little…. Ya’know :joy::joy:

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Usually 10-40 minutes, it depends on how long it is

It usually takes me 30 minutes or longer. It depends though