How long does it take you to memorise lyrics?

If the song is in English then it doesn’t take me long at all, I’ll probably just need to listen to the song two or three times. But if it’s in a different language it can take me a while, there’s a song I love that sings some parts in Latin and I’ve been trying to learn it :joy:

What about you guys?


If I know the language, it takes me way less time to learn the song.

It only takes me a few times to get most of the song (lyrics + pitch), but I’ll still consistently mess them up unless I’ve heard it like 20 times


Ehm… I don’t know. Probably more time than for the average person. I can memorize the melody much faster!

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If I really like a song I’ll listen to it on repeat and memorise the lyrics quickly!

Not long? Depends on the song tho
Usually after I read the lyrics once I’d remember them
Or if I listen to the some enough times

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