How long does it usually take you to learn the rules for a game?

It really depends on which game I’m going to play though.
It will roughly take me about 1 minute or so to learn a game or I’ll just ask someone to explain it to me
If I’m too lazy to actually read up the instructions of the game, I’ll play along until I grasp it.

How about you guys?


Hmm, for me it depends on the game. I can learn card games rather quickly by having someone explain it to me then either playing one round or watching people play. Sometimes it’ll take a few rounds but I usually get it by the first or second.

If it’s a video game… I can learn rules rather quickly but developing the necessary skills, ahem. That can take some time if I’ve never played similar games.


Depends. Depends on if it’s complex, or if I ask from sb to explain it how well they explain it.


But in general like if someone explains accurately anD IN MYNLANGIWJ yes i get it :ok_hand::ok_hand::ok_hand::ok_hand::ok_hand:

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Not too long but sometimes the rulebook is basically thrown out of the window anyway

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