I personally don’t even remember when I wrote something the last time, so I should probably get back to writing
How about you? How long has it been since you have written anything for your stories?
And why haven’t you written since then?
I personally don’t even remember when I wrote something the last time, so I should probably get back to writing
How about you? How long has it been since you have written anything for your stories?
And why haven’t you written since then?
The last time I wrote something for my story was this morning… I might write a little more later tonight.
The last time I wrote something for my story was over two weeks ago Whenever I feel like writing, I’m too busy with studying and when I have time to write, I’m too distracted or just don’t feel like writing for my story, so I write something else
Two weeks.
Coding, sure. LOADS. But writing, no. Sadly
Earlier today.
April in Camp NaNoWriMo? :0
A week or two?
Uh… in terms of my Tapas ones? About a month or two. In terms of my SGs? About a couple of days.
What about you, @Skyler2?
It’s been about… three months since I last worked on any stories of mine.
Three Months? WOAH! Why so long?
An hour ago, because I got inspired to work on my ‘paranoia’ drawing.
Uhm because I have been very much procrastinating
Nice. Only an hour. Impressive.
Ahh… I know what that is like.
Almost 3 weeks, I miss having good internet
Two years since I had a proper addition, maybe a sentence in the last year
Closed due to inactivity