How long has it been since you have written anything for your stories?

I personally don’t even remember when I wrote something the last time, so I should probably get back to writing :eyes::eyes::green_heart::no_mouth:

How about you? How long has it been since you have written anything for your stories?
And why haven’t you written since then? :eyes::sparkles:


The last time I wrote something for my story was this morning… I might write a little more later tonight. :sunflower: :sunflower: :yellow_heart: :yellow_heart: :coffee: :coffee:

The last time I wrote something for my story was over two weeks ago :sweat_smile: Whenever I feel like writing, I’m too busy with studying and when I have time to write, I’m too distracted or just don’t feel like writing for my story, so I write something else :sweat_smile:

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Two weeks.

Coding, sure. LOADS. But writing, no. Sadly

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Earlier today. :yellow_heart:

April in Camp NaNoWriMo? :0

A week or two?

Uh… in terms of my Tapas ones? About a month or two. In terms of my SGs? About a couple of days.

What about you, @Skyler2?

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It’s been about… three months since I last worked on any stories of mine.

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Three Months? WOAH! Why so long?

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An hour ago, because I got inspired to work on my ‘paranoia’ drawing.


Uhm because I have been very much procrastinating

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Nice. Only an hour. Impressive.

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Ahh… I know what that is like.

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Almost 3 weeks, I miss having good internet :pensive::broken_heart:

Two years since I had a proper addition, maybe a sentence in the last year

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