How many beauty products do you own but haven't used?

To be honest, a lot of people will buy products cos they look cool but won’t use them lol. Are there any products you’ve bought that you still have yet to use? Do you plan to use them some time in the future? Have you purposely not used them yet? Why?

Lol I have some makeup sponges I have yet to use, as well as some nail polish and lotion. Some just haven’t had their turn. :man_shrugging: I use my black nail polish like every time so the other colored ones are: :sob: maybe one day lol.

What about you guys? @BeautyEssentials ?


I don’t buy make-up sooo I don’t have any :no_mouth:
Except lip balm and lip stick

Yikes. I don’t know. A drawer, a bag, and loose some other places too. Alright, maybe not all of them I haven’t used. A lot in the drawer though.


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Yeah but it’s one bathroom drawer.

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I would say my perfumes (granted, i didn’t buy any of them, they were all gifted to me by different people)

I don’t really wear perfume, so they kind of just sit on my shelf collecting dust

Not many
Mostly just my mascara

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