How many books do you have?

So how much book shave y’all collected? Have you read them all?? And if not, are you planning to? Do you have shelfs dedicated to your collection? If so, is it one of your pride and joys?

For me I have about 20-30 books. I’ve read a lot of them but as of now, I’m not done trying to read them. I have a book shelf built into my TV area in my room and it’s nice.

@/Bookworms, I would assume you guys go a lot of books? :eyes:


If you’re not talking about textbooks and notebooks and drawing books, I have about 5-6?
I rent books and don’t get to keep it with me FOREVER.

FAR too many to count!

We have a miniature library

I have books on top of my books in the bookshelf and in a storage bin and in another entertainment center. :laughing:

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I approve! HEHEHEHE

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It’s bad that I have a lot of books in which I haven’t even read yet.


Way too many to count. I have books in front of books on my shelf.


I’m in the same boat!

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Around 50

it’s like I have a library of my own

Me be like:

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I am a huge book hoarder. The fun thing is that, from the ones I bought, there are like 20, probably more that I haven’t read, but at the same time I have read a lot more, but online.
I have a quite big shelf dedicated to them, and above my writing desk I have another small shelf for my Sarah J. Maas books. (They deserve a special space, I don’t take constructive criticism)
The sad thing is that I know that I bought way too many, but it always seems like it’s not enough?

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u can never have enough

I have quite a few hundred of my own, though in our house we have probably thousands.

What about your books, @Rose?

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I used to have a lot of books when I was younger, but my parents donated a bunch when we moved :eyes:
I guess I have around 50-60 books? Lol I’m not really sure-

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Awww, that sucks.

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I actually counted
96 but I can’t stop buying so I’ll get to 200 soon


My website where my Wattpad thrillers can be found

cutiepiettv0kcrk.wixsite .com/storiesmore/team-4-1 (Remove the SPACE between “website” & “.com”

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