How many pages a day do you usually read?

On an average day of reading, how many pages do you read?

If I really like a book and have nothing else to do, I usually read about 100 pages a day. I could probably read more but I get easily distracted and I don’t really want to rush through a book :smile_cat:


Same tbh sometimes I’ll read a whole book in one sitting but my optician said “pls stap” so I tend to break it down more :joy:


I read the whole book tbh
especially Nancy Drew series… like I just can’t get enough of those books and stories :clap:t5::clap:t5:


Sameee :star_struck:


It really just depends! When I’m reading something sometimes I read 5 pages, sometimes 100 and sometimes I just want to finish one chapter in a day. I don’t think I’ve tried to read the whole book in one day because I can’t focus for that long, it’s really hard for me to even focus on reading just one chapter! But that’s what I usually do, I’d just read one chapter no matter how long it is!

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Either most of a book or none of a book :eyes:

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Bump! ~

I guess it really depends on the book. Some nonfictions and kids books are easier to understand, and i breeze right through them. Other books are harder and I get distracted, so I have to read the same page a few times ocer just to ‘get it’. It also depends whether I’m interested in the book or not. Usually, though, I can get in a smooth 100+ pages a day ^^

What do you guys think, @Bookworms?


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