How many piercings is too many?

This is an issue where I feel like you either have a strong opinion or no opinion on, but what do you think? How many piercings is too many?



When you can no longer see the person’s skin.


:rofl: Agreed. Anything less than that is all fine, in my book. I used to have cartilage piercings and four holes in one ear, two in the other with studs. I used to want a tongue ring, belly button piercing…I might have gotten snake bites at some point, as well…and then, I developed allergies to all metals. My piercings are all gone except the two ear holes from infancy.

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That’s cool. Not the allergy part, just how many you had. It sucks that you developed an allergy to metals though.

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The only earrings I wear now are plastic post ones on the rare occasion. I wish I had thought to use plastic ones before my other holes sealed up. :rofl:

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True. Least they work. Do you think you’d every trying re-piercing any to try plastic ones out?

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Yes, but some of the holes were uneven and there are scars where they used to be. I think piercing attempts where they used to be is just asking for infections. Who knows…I might still try.

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Oh, damn. Yeah, just make sure you’re careful and possibly get a medical opinion first.

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Find out if you have metal allergies first, or if the first infection was an averse reaction to something that happened during the process. Otherwise, it might get infected again. If you really must, I would wait a few months to make sure the infection is gone (possibly even checking with a doctor) before trying again.

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