How much do you spend getting ready to go to school?

During the summer, how much money do you spend on clothing to get ready to go back to school? Do you buy any new clothes or, if you go to private school, do you have to buy uniforms?


I’m not exactly sure how much money my mom spends on buying things for school, but I do know that we spend more time getting school uniform shirts (mostly black) and khaki pants than getting school supplies. I go to a public school, btw

1 hour lmao
Eating breakfast getting ready packing putting on my backpack, and the thing I do half of that time is procrastinate.

Books and stationery, around 200.

Uniforms, if they fit, I would continue to wear them the following year, if not, then maybe 50?

Yeah, that’s that.

I never spent any money on school during the summer because I bought all my pens and books and that kind of stuff during the school year :smile_cat:

@Students What about you?

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