How Much Does It Cost to Run the Forums? - ShanniiWrites

This one was a lot quicker to write!



First :partying_face:

Thanks for being so honest with us, Shannii! We all really appreciate it!


No problem! I know a lot of people are putting a lot of faith in a stranger by donating some of their hard-earned cash, so I feel like they deserve at least this!


Everyone’s very quiet about this one. Any questions?


@Announcements? :pleading_face:


Lol it makes me feel like people are secretly going “freaking moron” xD

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I knew it already, so I have no questions currently

Me I am :rofl:
It’s so fascinating bro :eyes::exploding_head:
So much work goes into this :pleading_face:

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It’s expensive xD

I will read this later when I’m not on my phone because my phone doesn’t load the page right. But it looks interesting. Thank you for being honest with us.

To reduce extra space, could we try uploading images through another site and just posting the link? The forum usually automatically turns image links into images and I think that links take up less spaces than images, but I could be wrong :eyes::eyes:

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You published it at 2am for me (and at a very late time for most other Europeans) :eyes: it’ll probably be less quiet in the afternoon :eyes::eyes:
You should also include how those Amazon affiliate links work into the forum support doc, so people can support you through them :eyes::eyes:


1 am for me :raised_hand: but your right! I’m sorry @ShanniiWrites if you felt like people didn’t care cause they do!

I will have to read this on my laptop instead. My phone is trying to cut off the words by not letting me use zoom functions. It looks good overall. I think this will give the users a more transparent look on what they can do to help the forums money wise.