How much of yourself do you put into your art?

So for this one I’m gonna be talking about writing as an art form but you can do this with stuff like paintings… pottery etc. heck! Even a creative hobby!

So when I began writing I heard a lot of people say that they don’t like it/ it’s bad when the author inserts themselves into their work as like the main character. And then I started to notice I DID that! And I liked it.
Because I did it through short story form where I portrayed something I later realized to be bits of myself. I wrote two horror stories that I realized were about anxiety and dealing with loss and probably a myriad of other things. The characters were very similar to me and tbh I don’t hate that. Because I really liked that I had something out there that was accurate of my issues when I was dealing with them.
Now I’m writing a piece about a girl who doesn’t understand love and falls in love. I’ve never been in a relationship before so I thought that this one would be a nice one to look back on later when I am in one to find out what I thought about relationships.

Now to be clear, these characters did resemble me probably quite a bit but they never were intentionally me. I gave each of them different characteristics but I kept noticing similarities between all of them.

I really like doing this because I have a lot of connection to the character and it’s nice to look back on at what I was going through at the time.

So question for you guys: what do you think about self inserts and how much of yourself do you put into your art?

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I put a lot of myself into my writing but barely anything into my drawings. I don’t even have a reason why. Maybe because I’ve always been better at expression myself with words and drawing is just a nice hobby.

@Artists What about you?


Many of my written characters have some aspects of me. And my art style evolved from designs I believe are pleasing. But, my drawn characters never look like me.


Well… it’s a form of me in a way, no?

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