When I was younger we used to go quite alot as there was a deal called orange wednesday and the tickets got discounted. We would watch alot of stuff and to this day the cinema is my favourite place to be but I go pretty rarely these days. The last time I went was to see Endgame
I go to the movies a lot more than I did a few years back (since im allowed to go on my own =D)
Sometimes I’d go to the cinemas almost every week xP And sometimes I’d go like once a month
The tickets are cheap (£5 only :0) so it’s kewl xD
Our local theater used to do a thing with the elementary schools where they’d sell summer movie packs, you’d spend a flat fee and have tickets for whatever movie was playing that sat/sun, up until my youngest sister moved onto middle school my family would go see a movie almost every weekend for like three months.
Movies are mad expensive and I have bills now so if I see something in the theater I need to really want to see it. The last time I spent money on a movie was actually not that long ago, Birds of Prey was iconic by the way, I would have gone to see the Invisible Man but yuh know…did order it on Amazon though and I enjoyed it in my living room. Amazon has a bunch of in-theater movies available for rent right now by the way, if you haven’t seen Birds of Prey or The Invisible Man you can rent them for 20$ on Amazon right now.
Three times a year probably is the maximum
I only go to the cinema when I want to see a movie right after it comes out or something like that. I totally don’t download movies illegally and watch them at home