How often do you go to the library?

I never go :joy: I didn’t even used to go to my school library because it was so small, then at college I just budgeted myself to buy the books I wanted, in that respect I went to the book shop once a day to browse :wink:

What about you guys?



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every day :clown_face:
but not anymore–
because CORONA

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I only go when I need a book for my class, otherwise I don’t step foot within a 1km radius

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I went very often when I was a kid.
There is a library nearby, but I think it only has books in Spanish.
There is a smaller library with books in English, but it doesn’t have too many books, and most of them are old.

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The online library? So often.

Actual Library? Rarely. Like i’ve gone once.

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Once every week or two weeks but since March we’ve never gone thanks to Covid. :sob:

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I don’t usually go there because I have a lot of books already and I just go online

I never go to the library… I just go to bookstores. I prefer to own my books

I never go to the library for books that I want. I only go to my university’s library because I need books for my classes :sweat_smile: And that’s probably only once every to months. Sometimes it’s twice in one week but only because I forgot some books or my professors find even more books that we need to read :joy:

I use to go occasionally, but now since covid I don’t :sob:

Since the pandemic, I don’t go anymore. I do love going to the library or any book store, though. It’s so peaceful, I love the vibe of it. I would go to hang out there when I want alone-time, or when I need to catch up on work since my house is really noisy. I also had a hate to the library – sounds boring but somehow we made it so fun lol

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