How old were you when you wrote your very first story?

Well, I guess I could say that I wrote my first story when I was 9, but that was for a school assignment.
I think I was 13 when I actually started writing stories.


I was like 12 and the stories that are written are atrocious-


I was 11




I’ve been writing stories as long as I can remember, but I think I started writing (experimental) stories on episode when I was 11 or 12


I was in the second grade :relaxed: so about 7 years old


I think I was like 9 or 10. I wrote a story about a couple almost divorcing…

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But I’ve been writing since I was 6.


I think my first story was probably when I was about 6?

At least if you classify story as anything with characters, narrative and a beginning, middle and end :joy: it wasn’t good by any means but it was a story


In kindergarten so when I was 4/5. It was about a hamster and a guinea pig and they were both princesses. It was written in Russian and in capital letters :eyes::eyes:


I was in third grade when we were learning about poetry and writing poetry and I was like, “I wanna write a story!” So I wrote a horrible one called Tommy and the Dream Train… um… yeah it’s bad. It involves a clown, a unicorn horse thingy and a magical train that brings you to this dreamland… Basically just imagine the kind of story a kid would write… like everything. You probably got it in this.


I was 8 when I wrote my first story.

I was 14 when I touched Episode, though.

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I was 6 when I wrote my first story, it was a school assignment. But when I first did it out of free will I was 8-9

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Like 14

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I honestly can’t remember, but I would have been quite young. When I was 12, I entered a story writing contest and that definitely wasn’t my first story, so I guess, much younger than that? lol
We also did a bit of creative writing in primary school.

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When we were like 7-8? They were not good, needless to say, but we liked being able to get our thoughts on a page and call them our own.
Looking back, a lot of our stories (written by 7-8 yr old us) were very gorey and bordering on mature themes, which probably should’ve been the first sign that we were not if fact a normal child :rofl:

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