How real are you on social media?

Personally, I am more real on social media (ones where idk anyone irl) than I am in real life XD
This is mostly because I am able to let down my mask on places like this, and am safe in the comfort that if something goes wrong, I can always escape the situation with a few clicks.
However, when it comes to social media that I know people irl on, I am less ‘real’, simply because I don’t like sharing personal things where people irl could judge me on them, or the wrong people could see them, ect.

What about you guys @Discussions?

  • How real are you on social media?
  • Does it depend on how much you know the person?

Share your answers here :]



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100 % me

but it does depend on the people how much I share on things like locations

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oh yea definitely
not sharing my address XD but I talk more like me on here than I would irl lol

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for me maybe at first I’m more just looking around, sniffling and watching from a distance but once I have someone to talk to I open up in a snap.

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Not so real. I am legit totally different.

Yes. You never know who it might be behind the computer. My “difference” mostly has to do with anonymity issues.

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What exactly do you mean?

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how true to the ‘real’ you (your personality, life, ect.) are you online :]

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