How To Get iPhone Chargers To Last Longer

So… This post is a bit different. But basically, my iPhone chargers go out and break quickly. And I was wondering if I’m doing something wrong and how I can prevent it.


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It’s inevitable. They will always break. May as well get a Samsung phone.


There was this one person who talked about this but they said that you can actually get like a phone battery. Like the one inside your phone. That’s what i had to do with my computer. Like after a while my computer chargers break and they don’t charge the computer. It was bad at one point and we got a new battery and that started to solve things. But now its kinda doing it again so I’m just getting a new computer lol.

Idk, maybe wrapping it with something would help? If u use your phone while it’s charging then don’t bend the cable

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I mean you could just not use it in the charger or turn down your brightness for more battery life

Lol, unlike iPhone chargers, Android chargers last much longer.
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