How to growl out loud?

I tend to take the weird task on the spreadsheet. I thought this would be fitting for me to explain. I really can’t keep a straight face while writing this. This is going to be a short thread with a video at the end. The video will teach you how to growl which is a similar technique to screamo music. I was the weird kid that could growl like an animal when I was younger. Still can if I feel like it. I suggest going on to youtube if you want to growl like different animals. I’ve learned how to chortle now instead which I think my dog picked up on because he does it too…

  1. First thing clear your throat plus have a drink nearby to rejuvenate your throat. This can make your throat dry out if you do it too many times. So, be careful.

  2. As stated in the video, you will need to train your voice to do it. This was a natural response for me to do when I was younger. I usually did it out of anger. I also would do it to piss my sister off in public. I didn’t care what people thought back then. @Galactic_Kat can confirm that I use to do this! On to the second step, you will need to create an airy sigh to get your throat ready for the harsher sounds. You need to sigh is deeply so that it sounds like almost wheezy.

  3. Now, try to make some guttural sounds to get your voice ready.

  4. You want to combine the wheezy sigh with the deep guttural sounds once you have practiced enough to make the sound you like.

  5. Time to add the full sound where you up to deeper part of the growl with more sound which will come out as a guttural low growl which you can make louder with more sound. You need to make sure to feel the vibration when making the growl.

Here is the video to learn how to growl:



I’m a natural talent in growling :sunglasses:

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Nice, me too! It’s been awhile since I did it though.

The things I’m trying to learn at 3 am

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Lol nice!

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Does anyone want me to record my growl then post it here?

  • Yes, it will be hilarious to hear!
  • I just want to hear it.
  • Nah, I’m good but definitely interesting.

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I can’t believe I actually did this. I’m rusty as all gets out though. I use to make the growl sound more rounded when I was younger. If only this place had been made during that time.

Second Attempt:

Third & Last Attempt:

@TheDancingFryer @astxrism @CerealKiller @Caticorn @CrazyCaliope @WritingWithStars @Squishy @liyahsdiamond @unsungcheerio @elixr @Eliza @Sophia1233 @Galactic_Kat


Lmao, I’m actually surprised that it wasn’t terrible, you done really well

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Lol thanks! :joy:

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