How To Introduce Romance In A Post-Apocolyptic Setting?

Umm so I have this story that takes place in this sort of apocolyptic setting where the world is almost in ruins, and people are trying to survive.
One of the love interests- Ivy, is from this world, the other, Landon, isn’t, and he’s working with a team to specifically save this world.
I’ve tried to think of ways to introduce it but my mind just goes to the cliches.
Landon’s really serious about what he does and I just don’t know how to bring romance into it. Without it breaking his like character.


You could have Landon get hurt and Ivy save him.

Ehh, I mean realistically that wouldn’t happen. Ivy doesn’t really know how to save people and Landon is very well trained and wouldn’t likely get very badly hurt. But maybe.

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I mean not save him, maybe he does that himself but she puts his body somewhere safe?

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That sounds like she’s dumping his body after murdering him lmao.


I mean, maybe the apocalypse isn’t quite over yet? There could still be strange monsters walking around and Landon gets attacked, Ivy gets him out of the danger?

Or you could just have ivy punching stuff and Landon watches

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Ivy doesn’t fight, you’ve got it the wrong way around lol.

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I should probably finish reading the story then

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I think you’re thinking of Liv.

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Ivy hasn’t even been introduced yet lmao

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Ohh that’s right. Her name was Asa and in my head I changed it to Ivy. Lol I’m bad with names- so bad I can’t remember ones I come up with myself!

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I don’t know how long the apocalypse takes, bit maybe Ivy has found a way for herself to survive in this setting that other haven’t and she has to show it to Landon? I’m sorry, I don’t know much about apocalyptic settings :sweat_smile:

Or does the team have to go, I don’t know, a spaceship every evening or whatever? Then Ivy might hide somewhere and go with them and Landon finds her and she won’t leave?



Do you still need help with this?

Nope I’m just gonna close this…