How to look after different types of hair?

So I’m not a hair expert and I don’t even know what hair I have aside from it being extremelyyyyy straight. With that said, I know how to look after it. I wash it once a week with shampoo and conditioner and get the dead ends cut off :sunglasses:

I think it’d be best if we said our hairtypes (or just described our hair) and say how we look after it then look at professional advice!

@ BeautyEssentials come and share


I got you sis! lemme hook you all the way up.


(Disclaimer: I’m not speaking for everyone with 4c hair, this is just how I take care of my hair): My hair is 4c and I take care of it by washing it only when it’s dirty, because I don’t want to dry out my hair, as it already gets dry easily. I also use lots of oil to keep it moisturized and do protective styles (like braids) to limit the amount styling I do to my hair, because constant styling can be damaging and pull out strands. To protect my hair when I’m sleeping, I tie a silk scarf on my head, which keeps the strands of my hair from pulling out.

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