How to react when someone has come out to you (for those of you who are unsure)

so today i was at school and i came out to the girls i sit with at lunch now (im bi) and omg it was awful i hate doing that i just want to make a PSA

so here i am :grin:

straightness is something that we brush off like the dirt on jay z’s shoulder right? saaaaaame thing, act like they just told you their favorite color, like its irrelevant so if you forget you can ask later and if they bring it up, fun.

i dont encourage
-anecdotes “i have a friend thats gay”
-straight up lgbtq+ research, give it a minute
-"(insert paragraph abt ur understanding)" if you dont relate, you cant understand, so dont pretend to.
-complaining abt being straight. u rlly have no idea what youre talking about there.

i do encourage
-humor that lightens the mood. no gay dislikes that. i dont think any person dislikes that.
-“nice, im(insert preference shiz)” makes it feel equal


Me, coming out to straight friend,
Me: is gay
Her: “Wait, does that mean you have a crush on me?”


Maybe a weird question but I don’t understand this isn’t it nice to know that they want to research lgtbq+ after you came out? Like they are trying to understand what it means?

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STRAIGHT GIRLS :roll_eyes:


yea but like dont overwhelm them with their own gayness its kind of surreal

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When I came out to my aunt, she told me she was in a lesbian wedding. That made me feel good to know she supported me.

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thats what i said

Ok, I’m feeling dumb. What are you taking about?

You’re asking me what?


Ok then.

I told my friend I was bisexual in the 5th grade (I’m still figuring things out today because I had no idea about being pansexual)
And she said she didn’t care.
That warmed my heart.

But weird she easdropped on my conversation I was trying to tell my friend it’s ok to like girls cause she liked a girl named chloe.

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maybe she liked girls

I actually made that.

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