How to Write Quickly in Exam Conditions


This one is one I wish I had when I was at school. I had to figure out most of it for myself!


I’m quite proud of this one! It’s getting way more views in the first day than most others! I hope that means it’s good!

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I needed this, so many good point and tips. As silly as it sounds I couldn’t agree more with you about the pens we use. Can’t even count how many times I wanted to give up just because I didn’t like what I was using for writing :joy:


I’m glad it was helpful! As I mentioned in the post, I had to figure out most of this on my own, so I wanted to make sure that didn’t happen to anyone else!

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My finals are coming up and I’ll really need to remember these tips! I should definitely practice my vocabulary more since that’s usually what slows me down :sweat_smile: