How varied, genre-wise, is your Wattpad library?

I’m not very active on Wattpad, so I only have Shannii’s story in my Wattpad library right now, so mine is obviously not very varied :eyes::eyes::green_heart::joy:

How about yours?
Which genres does your Wattpad library consist of? :eyes::sparkles:


I have a ton of stuff in my library, but I’ve only read a very small fraction of it :^)

Mine is basically all fantasy and a bit of sci-fi, except for a few outliers, which were written by friends; these fall into horror (normally would never read), crime fiction, and romance (would never read if written by a random on Wattpad) :+1:


I pick my WP library picks out of stories I’d like to help promote, even if just a little bit :slight_smile: As such, it’s… Messy, to say the least. I don’t think there’s any common theme, other than ‘I know the authors and want to give them some support’.

Admittedly, I don’t read much on WP. I don’t use it on mobile, and desktop WP does not agree with my eyes very much :frowning:

I think I do have a fair amount of books in my Wattpad Library, but I rarely read there anymore. The genres you can find in my library are Fantasy, Adventure, and Mystery.

I also tend to delete some books from it. It’s either I don’t really like it anymore or my library is full and it irks me :laughing:

0 books, so it could have more variety

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My Wattpad library isn’t varied at all :joy: It’s only romance and more romance :sweat_smile:

Oh, there’s Deluge’s story as well, I guess that adds a bit of diversity, genre-wise :thinking:

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I like to try out different stories, from Fantasy to Comedy to Historical Fiction, it’s find to fun different genres. So I’d say my library is varied,

What is the most popular genre(s) on wattpad? Perosnally, I think highschool romances or bad boy stories are really popular, just like Episode.

Here’s what I currently have in my library -

man its just smut

Closed due to inactivity :yellow_heart: