How would the world be different without art?

As the title says: How would the world be different without art?

I’m thinking about stuff like cave painting, that all wouldn’t exist so we wouldn’t have got any information from that! What else do you think would be different?


Design is art so all furniture would be litteraly just cubes


Omg, that would be SO plain and boring


Everything would be plain…


A very very sad world :pleading_face:

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Without art, Earth would be Eh.
(Get it? Cause if you take away “art” in Earth you get “eh.”)


nothing would exist because evrything is art. we would stil be cave men if art didnt exist.


That’s scary…
We wouldn’t have Shanniwrites Forums too

Without art, we would all just simply…exist. Our entire world was formed on artistic levels. The clothes we wear - art. The buildings we live in - art. The music we listen to - art. EVERYTHING is art! Books, TV shows, movies… they don’t write themselves. WE humans create them. Our homes didn’t build themselves… WE did. Everything has a creative structure. A thought process. Everything is art. No matter whether you think you’re an artist or not. Believe me! YOU are.

Thank you for reading :))

I think it would be sad and scary

We wouldn’t have so many things

It’d be awful

We’d go crazy because there would be nothing to experience, feel, taste, hear or see. And we’d also not have any buildings because architecture is a form of art :eyes::eyes:

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Art is inevitable :sob: as humans, and we are meant to create

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It’s impossible tho-

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