How would you improve your school?

I don’t go to school (as a student) anymore, but here’s how I’d improve the school where I work:

-Better cafeteria food
-There should be different programs for student’s abilities and interest, where the academic subjects would all be related to that. For example, music students would learn math that’s related to music.
-Lunch/recess should be an hour instead of just 30 minutes
-Instead of asking for permission to go to the bathroom, students could grab a pass from the front of the room and just get up and go.
-Each group should be able to work outside at least once a week.
-There should be AC in all classrooms

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Plant more trees for shade. Man, we have to walk outside.

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  • Free canteen food
  • Classes should be taken outside in the schoolground
  • If they are taken inside, ACs should be there
  • More salary for the teachers
  • More time to have lunch
  • Classes like music, art, dance, yoga, etc, should be taught at least thrice a week
  • Should have clubs and stuff
  • No moral studies, it’s useless
  • Sex education should be taught
  • Should have classes about how to save money, pay tax, etc
  • No dress code
  • Have more interesting classes with cool teachers
  • Electronic gadgets should be allowed
  • Should have a separate period to read books (not school textbooks)
  • Have a bigger library

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