Hydrocephalus awareness 🧠💧

I see. That explains the acquired hydrocephalus. It’s common in premature neonates.

Hey! You are doing awesome! :smiley:
All the best to you for your college! Take it easy and enjoy the journey. :heart:

Ah, that’s cool. Thanks!

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This is awesome!!

I was diagnosed with hydrocephalus at age 7 after my grade 1 teacher raised concerns about my extreme lack of balance. I had a VP shunt inserted in June 2010 (it’s essentially a long tube that drains the extra fluid out of my head and into my abdomen)


I have that too! Yay shunts!

How old are you now?

Seventeen. So I’ll have had it for ten years in June.

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Had mine two months after I was born, I think, so nineteen years.

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As I said earlier, I also have conditions caused by Hydrocephalus.



Birthday month :partying_face::partying_face:

My birthday is in April and I have Aspergers.

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So, funny thing. Whenever I get a brain freeze, I always feel it around my shunt as opposed to the front of my head.


Yeah. Fun times.

My friend’s tube broke a while ago. She’s fine.

Mine malfunctioned in summer of 2010, but it’s been fine since.

That’s good

This is an MRI, it’s what they use to check my shunt. image

I hate MRIs. They make me so anxious. I have to have my mom or dad (whoever came to the appointment with me) hold my foot while I’m getting the scan so that I don’t freak out.

(they also ruined the song What Do You Mean? for me)