I couldn't stay behind, ask me any questions anonymous

Hahah, okay, so basically all staff did this already but I decided to make a thread as well. I will answer every single question 100% honest.

I’m just gonna say if you have a problem with me personally don’t use the anonymous form but please just come to me with it. I won’t be posting anything that’s just negative for the sake of being negative here :purple_heart:


1. Am I annoying sometimes? :eyes::sparkles:

No, you aren’t annoying @Duckling. Actually there are very limited people I find annoying.


How did you know that it was my question? :eyes::eyes::eyes:


2. Do you like books?

Yes, I love books a lot! I should read more but I do love it!


Not that hard, you liked my post and the emojis!

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But I could have also liked the post without asking questions and everyone can use my emojis :eyes::eyes::eyes:


3. Is she NoT LIkE tHe oThEr GirLs?How are other girls?

Okay, I legit hate if girls say that tbh, everyone is different so what would they even mean with ‘other’ girls? As far as I know there is not one type of girl because everyone is unique. So technically they are right but yeah, I kinda hate that tbh because they put themselves above others because they think they are more unique and better than others.


That is true, but I am still pretty sure it was you :eyes:

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What if it wasn’t? :eyes::eyes::eyes::eyes:

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4. Are you a gamer?

Honestly, not really. I used to play a lot on a DS and I loved, well still love the Sims, but I don’t think you can really call that gaming.


Then, well that’s an issue, if people are pretending to be someone else :eyes::sparkles:

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5. How often do you visit the memes thread?

Often, I have it on watching so every time someone posts there I have a look. At least once a day but probably more often.


Yes :eyes::purple_heart:

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6. What is your worst fear?

That I will know I will die is my worst fear. Not dying itself but just finding out I will die soon. Lol, deep question and answer but I like it!


7. Do you have a crush on someone here?

Let me just say, even if I would I would never do anything with it anymore. I’ve done online dating twice and it just doesn’t work out for me. But to get to your question, nope, I don’t have a crush on someone here


8. Will you answer whatever we ask honestly?

Yes, well only exception is if it would break forum rules but otherwise I will answer every single question.


9. Why is purple your favourite colour?

Because, well I have some special memories connected with it and it’s just a pleasant color to look at in my opinion.


10. Are candles annoying?

Not really in my opinion :thinking: I actually love candles! I am quite a romantic person so I like that kinda little things.

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I have to do some last minute decade quiz preparation, but I will continue after!

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Please tag me when it starts :eyes::sparkles::green_heart::smile_cat:

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