Yeah, Google is controlling our online world at least. Google has so much power and knows me better than my average friend knows me which is creepy. If you googled something and then see an ad for it right after, that’s creeping me out!
33. What would you do if one of your friends suddenly changed completely?
See if I still like them as they are, most likely I will since I also have quite a few personality changes. But if there’s just no connection anymore we probably would grow apart, even tho I would be sad about it.
34. How did you come up with your art contest entry?
Actually I just did something… When I was younger I used to go to the attic in my parents house and watched the fireworks from their, I guess unintentionally it is based on that.
36. Would you actually be able to tell which of the questions without are mine?
Well, I honestly don’t care about who asked the questions and I don’t know who asked this one. But if you mean if I would know which questions were @Duckling’s without emojis, I think I do, at least some of them.
I’m actually great today, looking forward to my friend kinda crush coming over later today and RPed again for the first time in a while which was amazing! So yeah I’m in a great mood today.