I don’t know what’s happening...Trigger warning

Hi guys. So…I got part of my Halloween costume, and I don’t like it, so…I’m currently crying and feeling so guilty because I hate the hoodie, but I can’t do anything about it. I honestly feel like a piece of sh!t and I screamed earlier. And the tears feel gross on my face and I don’t like it. I just really hate myself right now. Is this normal? This is also my third breakdown of the day.

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And I’m also afraid someone is going to hear me because I’m not crying quietly and make me go to a psychiatrist…I don’t like them.

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I hope you are okay!!

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Definitely not.

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I’m about as ok as the Hindenburg…which isn’t ok, because it exploded…

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Aw! I’m sorry!

Hey, it’s going to be okay. Just calm down. Everyone has a bad day once in a while. Just try to breathe. You can always change a hoodie or buy a new one.

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I need the black one and I can’t buy a new one.

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I suggest taking a couple of deep breaths and counting. That tends to help me when i’m feeling this way. Sometimes when you think something is really bad there’s a solution somewhere.

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Maybe you can change the concept of your costume then? With a bit of creativity, there is always a way out


I don’t really think there’s a solution…I just feel really stupid and ungrateful. I mean, who has a meltdown over a hoodie not being what they expected?

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I can’t really do that. My costume is of a specific character and it wouldn’t look right.


I’m sorry I’m dragging everyone into this…

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And now I got my grade back for the rhetorical analysis I was supposed to be writing and I wrote an informative essay! I’m a failure! I’m also sobbing so hard my knock is cramping!

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Just try to breathe

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I’m trying!

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Good, drink water. And honestly, a costume is just a costume. It won’t matter next year. Just try to think that it’s nothing big and everything is okay. Watch something, maybe?

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Yeah, distract yourself. Things will get better.

Right, but now I completely screwed up my rhetorical analysis…

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Update: Everything’s ok! Although my eyes feel crusty from crying, so that’s fun. I just need time to get used to new things, so I lost it. I don’t know why.

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