I don’t know why this happened

So…I was in the bath yesterday and on a whim, decided to shave my legs. I cried. Um…is crying over shaved legs normal? I have absolutely no idea why I was loosing it over that. Any ideas?


Did it hurt or did u just feel emotional or did something drastic happen in life or is this ur first time shaving or are you stressed-


It actually went very well, not hurting at all. I think I was just emotional. Now they’re rough. Might need to shave again. I guess it just felt so good that I cried.


girl you just shaved yesterday!!


Oh. I’ve never shaved before!!!


I probably sound like a nutcase, but I can’t stop feeling my legs.

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I would probably do the same but I don’t own razors or wax :skull_and_crossbones:

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I definitely wouldn’t use wax-NOPE.

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wax is more effective so I might-

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I definitely don’t like the idea of ripping my leg hair off.

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It can definitley feel very stimulating to have smooth legs after having hairy ones for a while

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Yeah. I haven’t shaved since, because I don’t see a point.