I have something I want to say. Trigger warning

I only have an idea of how it feels to wonder how life could be if someone were to enter or play a significant part of your life :pleading_face: I hope you’re okay :two_hearts:


I’m alright. It would probably be worse if I could remember her. Then I’d have the memories and miss her. I still miss her, but I have nothing to go off of, so…you get what I’m trying to say, right?

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A little :thinking: I only know how it feels to constantly wonder how things could be and be a little sad with how it could be. I’m glad you’re okay tho!


Yeah. I feel like I’d mourn more if I actually got to meet her.

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Maybe you should put a trigger warning for this since it deals with miscarriage :sweat_smile:


Good idea. Thank you!


Maybe things were meant to happen. Everything you’ve been through puts you here today


Yeah. I guess you’re right…

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Bump! Questions?


I’m sorry to hear about your sister. How long was she alive exactly?

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A month. She died on May 13th, and we were born on April 11th.

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Questions? I’m willing to answer.

I just want to say again how sorry I am for your loss <3

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Thank you very much. I never met her, so it’s not affected me too much.

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Still, it’s awful to hear!

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Yeah, it really is. It hurts, but I’m ok.

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:broken_heart: I’m so sorry.

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She’s in a better place, wherever that may be.

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