I have something to say. - Mysteria

Hey, all. I’ve got something to say.
These forums are one of the good things that are in my life and for that I thank you. The sense of community here is one of the primary appeals to this place. I am aware I may not seem like the most serious nor deliberate person here, but thank you for allowing myself to behave whimsically on this platform. I wouldn’t have met anyone here if it hadn’t been for @Rose inviting myself here. I’ve only become active in the past few months, but this place has been amazing for my mental and emotional health. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for keeping this community alive and please, stay vivacious as always. I’ve found people with the same interests and passions as myself, and these ‘cults’ are handfuls of users who can relate to each other each and every day. There’s always someone here for you, whether they’re waiting for the right time to speak up or already have their messages open to anyone.

With a heavy heart.

With a heavy heart, I’m afraid my stay here has come to an end. I’m going to be leaving for a while to the Duck Cult. Please don’t hesitate to contact me, my phone number is 666-666-6666. Just give me a call. And AS ALWAYS, STAY QUACKERS!!!

I really wanted to say

Hey all I have something to say
I hate eating hey
you thouhght i mispelled that?
boy ur wrong
that’s why im singing this dank grass song!

i don’t curse childrens and not childrenz, i only make it G Rated
this is actually how i write all my school essays, i google a not fancy word like “BeST” and find some fancy synonym that makes zero sense but sounds cool like Pièce de résistance

I cant believe I typed that instead of my actual HW
oh crap thats due in 10 minutes
*i didnt proofread cuz who has time for that?*
okay gotta bounce


Uh… Quack? :eyes::sparkles:

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I’m giving you a call

Have fun with the duck ult!

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@ForumStaff Please close this thread, thank you! ( ˙ ˘ ˙)

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