I need help drawing bare feet

As the title says. Tagging @FuzilladeBlue, because he’s a great drawer. I can draw hands, just not feet.


It also depends on the direction your character is facing. right now, the angle is a bit too uncomfortable. Try looking at how your own feet are posed. They would never be like that unless the whole character is turned that way.


Lmaoo why does it look so funny :joy:
Mind you I can’t even draw a person
I can only draw buildings

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Hey! First time! :joy:

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Yeah, I realize the angle is weird.

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Another pointer is how legs don’t flow straight into feet. They get thinner toward the ankles that flare out for where the joint is. The feet itself dip in toward the centre then get flat toward the toes.


Ok, I erased my attempt.



Would you mind doing a step by step with pictures? I’m a visual learner.

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Added some tags :sparkles:

Truee sm

The legs should be shaped something like this- stolen from pinterest :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

Tho about feet I SCUK AT THEM OK



I managed it.

Not what you meant, but I like it.


Here is used the red line to indicate where the body would be under the dress. There are parallel lines above and under with a perpendicular one running down. As you can see, the character is tilted slightly and the proportions for the position of the legs are off.

I would personally use guidelines when doing a full-body drawing, then all clothing and other accessories above.

Over here, I used pink to demonstrate the guidelines. Circles are for the joints. It’s a comment art concept to make sure every part of the body that can bend be placed on a rotatable shape; a circle. That way, you can move the extruding limb around to see if it still fits. The cross contour lines are optional, but I sometimes use them to show depth.

If you stand up, you’ll notice that your arms reach about halfway down your thighs, past the waistline. Legs should also be directly under the body unless your character is pulling a Michael Jackson or some other pose.

Also, note that the neck drawn is about the same thickness as her chest


I knew I should’ve made her arms longer. Thanks for the tips.


Should I close this thread, now that it has been solved? :smiley:

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Yes please! I forgot about this.

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Closed by OP Request~