Will you please wait for me? I’m almost done
Just putting it out there, Accalia…
If you require someone as a “David” type character at some point…
Stares at Hayden.
Just saying, what’s the likelihood of all of them staying a team?
NO NOT HAYDEN also if animorphs took place in the 2020s david would give off such strong tatebro vibes
y’all are going to make me start reading this series
i have a link to a file with all the book pdfs
thank you
thank you!
I hate how right you are esp with the whole (LATE GAME SPOILERS ) He tried to force Rachel to be his ‘rat queen’ at some point. Literally had to close the book for a while and take a breath. What a crazy little gremlin
Jamie just leaves
David rings a bell…
if i’m being honest, i’m genuinely curious what you and @M0thpawz think of this so far, since yall would recognize some of the characters and maybe some of the hints i’m putting out? but i’m trying not to be too obvious :P
It’s been like ten years٫ and I can’t even remember how many books I read…how many even are there?
at least 3
54 main series and 10 spin-offs
Holy crap. Yeah٫ I definitely didn’t read them all.
There’s definitely going to be a power struggle with this group of characters….
neither did i tbh, lol, though i’m going through and re-reading some of my favorites now.
I’ve started reading them from the beginning…I’m on 45 iirc. I still need to read the megamorphs series and the Elemist chronicles tho