If Peter Pan came to your window, would you go?

hell no


Why not?


it’s 2021 and covid-19 is a thing :star_struck:


Oohh, yeah. Other then that, would you? I would. See conversation above.

life is boring rn

Nope, because if I got older Peter pan would probably kill me because I am growing up. Which is against the rules

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I don’t remember that happening-

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In both book and play, Peter murders pirates easily, without a care. In the book, we learn that Peter kills the Lost Boys too, either to “thin the herd” or because they are growing up, which is against the rules

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Oh. Yeah, hard no.

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Wait…wouldn’t there be magic to prevent them growing up? I mean…it’s Neverland.

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I though so too but hey they do grow up and then get killed by peter pan (if they don’t manage to escape)

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Yh and the one’s who manage to escape become pirates-

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Makes sense. Pan’s insane.

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Isn’t there like an evil Peter Pan? What if the evil Peter Pan tried to kidnap me. I wouldn’t wanna go unless he bribes me.


I mean, he already murders kids, sooo…

Yeah, I was thinking about the OUAT version. He’s pure evil.

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What’s more evil than murder?

Well . . . Sheesh.

I think both version are pretty evil (disney just doesn’t portray it like OUAT).

In OUAT he gave away his son for immortality, he didn’t care for the lost boys, torturing them if they tried to leave, as well as removing their shadows. He even manipulated Henry.


I didn’t think it could get worse, but it did.