If you owned an art gallery, what would you fill it with?

If you owned an art gallery, what would you fill it with?

I would put all my artwork, and all the fantasy paintings. Not only that, but a lot of the famous artworks that have actually spoken to me. A lot that touch most of the world, doesn’t touch me, so I’d put the few that do in there.

What about you guys? @Artists


Art. ‘Cause it’s an art gallery

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Something that makes it fun and playful. Something interactive

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Like a Trickeye museum?


Idk never went to one


Have you seen them before?

Food cuz Ikm hungry

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HAHAHAHA! What type of food art?

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Food as humans

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Yes, but but what does the art look like?

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Food sculptured

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Landscape art; Like a beautiful painting of the sunset or something :point_right::point_left:

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Wanna share some examples of what some could look like?

Oooooh… pretty

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Sounds like good idea for your art gallery!

Paintings of cats and Lil Wayne, and maybe sculptures of food that look real enough to eat. :joy: