If you recorded an album, what would you name it?

There are some great, funny or even weird album names out there. Some of them have a deeper meaning, others don’t, it’s all up to the musicians. But what if you could name an album?

If you recorded an album, what would you name it?
And why would you choose that name?


I used to have a few good ideas but right now I can’t really think of anything :thinking:

@Music Any ideas?

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Crazily Bad (at singing)

I think the name explains itself.

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I don’t sing lol
And I am not good at writing my own music yet.

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I don’t know… It really depends on what the album is about and stuff like that, songs…

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Okay, I know the types of songs I’d make and I would name it what I made my playlist bio, which is “Deepen Your Heart”. Hell, I’d make that my band name too. So many personal reasons go behind this. Contradicting ones, as well as idk how to explain what the other reasons are lmao but so much goes into why I’d name my album that Lol.

@Music what about you peeps?

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Octopus Day

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